Career & Job Coaching for the Neurodiverse Person

As Bill Gates said:
Everyone needs a coach. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player. We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.

A good coach can foster change in you. As a coach, I have excellent listening skills and can ask thought-provoking questions. I provide support and direction when needed but ultimately step back so that you can take ownership of your own development.

Coaching can help you achieve higher performance and greater personal satisfaction at work. While you may be aware that you need to make changes — in behaviour, mindset, or both — to advance your career, or establish a better work/life balance you will not reap the benefits of coaching unless you’re prepared to fully engage in the process.

As the seasons progress, the weather becomes changeable, as does life. Coaching will help you manage that change to your benefit.

The personal benefits of coaching are wide-ranging. Through engaging in coaching sessions, you can positively impact your career as well as your life. Your sessions will help you to:

  • Establish and take action towards achieving goals
  • Become more self-reliant
  • Gain more job and life satisfaction
  • Contribute more effectively to the team and the organization
  • Take greater responsibility and accountability for actions and commitments
  • Work more easily and productively with others (boss, direct reports, peers)
  • Communicate more effectively 
  • Process stress and anxiety effectively
  • Boost your problem solving skills

The above list is not a complete list. If you have a concern which you do not see or you wish to discuss further, then please contact me directly for a free consultation. PLACE URL LINK TO CONTACT PAGE

Workplace Coaching

Coaching in the workplace is an important component of any business wanting to improve internal culture, employee satisfaction, and productivity. It uses one-on-one communication to provide advice and guidance to individuals or groups within your company, directly impacting upon your employee’s personal development and offering benefits on both a personal and organisational level.

I can offer coaching within the workplace as an individual or in group sessions. Click here for a free introductory consultation.

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